Localization Success Story: Netflix

Localization Success Story: Netflix

In its current form, Netflix’s enterprising globalization push began in early 2016 and has surpassed its original expectations, with further growth expected to continue. However, it certainly could not have reached this peak without responding to the desires of its viewers from around the world with first-class video localization, including dubbing, subtitling, content localization, and internationalization.

How Netflix Became an Entertainment Giant

Netflix is estimated to spend 70% of its video localization budget on dubbing, and due to the nature of this content, human translation is in high demand. The pioneering video transmission company has projected growth that aligns with Wall Street forecasts. Having an intuitive, easy-to-use, and localized User Interface (UI) also significantly contributes to its success. Being available on the web and accessible on a large number of devices and platforms virtually guarantees its dominance in the entertainment industry.

The Power of Localization in Netflix’s Global Expansion

How is it that Netflix managed to become an entertainment giant? The secret lies in its massive investment in producing and acquiring original content to dominate the markets in which it competes. Additionally, Netflix heavily invests in localization by betting on productions in different countries. If there is one thing that characterizes Netflix, it is its universality—it is available in more than 190 countries. For the first time, more than half of its subscribers are outside the United States, bringing the international total to more than 52 million users.

Investment in Content and Localized Experiences

“The key really is to tailor programming to local tastes,” added Sarandos, Netflix’s chief content officer. Netflix is now the ninth largest internet company in the world by revenue, valued at approximately $42 billion. This success is driven by an appropriate balance between local and global content, allowing the company to cater to diverse audiences.

The Role of User Interface (UI) in Global Success

Knowing its customers has been the key to Netflix localization success. The company continuously reinvents itself based on market demands. For example, when targeting an audience in a particular country, Netflix produces a show in that country featuring native actors, ensuring cultural relevance. This approach strengthens viewer engagement and enhances the streaming experience.

Understanding Customer Preferences for Market Growth

Netflix’s growth has generated a strong demand for localization, leading to the addition of Arabic, Korean, and Simplified Traditional Chinese to the 17 languages it already supports. By understanding and responding to customer preferences, Netflix ensures its content resonates with audiences worldwide.

“Think Globally, Act Locally” – A Key Lesson for Businesses

Your own localization program may not launch a product worldwide on such a large scale, but the success of Netflix localization success offers valuable insights. For the language services industry, the intense competition in original content has been beneficial, as international distribution plays a crucial role in making many original projects financially viable.

What Can You Learn from Netflix’s Success?

What do you think? Where do you believe the success of this platform lies? Let’s talk about your localization goals!